
Introduce to local traditional wear- Batik

We all know that Batik is one the most appreciated tradittional treassure in Malaysia, undoubtedly, this traditional was influenced by India where the legend was told that Laksamana Hang Nadim was ordered by Malacca King to sail to India to buy 140 pieces of serasah cloth (batik) with 40 types of flowers depicted on each.
But what we don’t know about is this wax resist dyeing of fabric was already existed in Egypt in the 4th century BC, where it was used to wrap mummies- the technique of linen was soaked in wax, and scratched using a stylus. In Asia, this technique was practiced in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), and developed in India and Japan during the Nara Period (645-794 AD). After decades, the art of batik is now most highly developed in the island of Java in Indonesia. 

Malaysia Batik- the pattern being larger and simpler with only occasional use of the canting to create intricate patterns.

Indonesian batik- the patterns are symbolic. Infants are carried in batik slings decorated with symbols designed to bring the child luck

The word ‘batik’ is derived from two words: amba, which means write and titik, which means dot, refer to the dipping process of making batik. The patterns designed on the Batik are not randomly created. Semen motif means spring or bud. Tree was considered as human’s life symbol on earth. Therefore, as it is used as motif, it is expected that the wearer will be connected with God. Semen is a non-geometric pattern of drawing inspired by nature, like flower, leaf, mount and animal.  

Batikguild.org.uk,. 'History Of Batik'. N.p., 1999. [Accessed: 26 May 2015]

Saddhono, K., Sahid T.W., Muhammad T. Al-Makmun & Tozu, M.(2014) 'The Study Of Philosophical Meaning Of Batik And Kimono Motifs To Foster Collaborative Creative Industry'. Asian Social Science 10(9), pp.3 [Online] Available at: http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ass/article/view/36572 [Accessed: 26 May 2015]



